iTunes feedback
Per la prima volta in tre anni, ieri sera ho deciso di lasciare del feedback sul sito della Apple dopo l'upgrade di iTunes, che è stato il solito trionfale successo. Ogni volta so che non dovrei aggiornare iTunes, ma dopo duemila volte che la fottuta finestrella modale mi salta su e mi ricorda che una nuova e mirabolante versione è disponibile e non voglio proprio aggiornarla e installare magari anche Safari, Quicktime, l'iPhone iManager e cristolosacosaltro compreso il nuovo iSpring iLoaded iDildo iUnder iYour iChair, alla fine cedo e aggiorno, spinto più che altro dalla curiosità di scoprire quale pezzo della mia esistenza verrà fottuto stavolta. E devo dire che rispetto alle ultime tre volte (il firmware dell'iPod, 75 GB di musica, video e audiobook e il filesystem) m'è andata pure bene.
Dear sirs,
After a few years of use, I feel compelled to inform you that iTunes is, in fact A HUGE STINKING PILE OF SHIT!
I have never, and I mean FUCKING NEVER been able to upgrade iTunes without incurring in some disaster, from it screwing my XP install to it screwing my music collection to it screwing, as is the case today, my playlists. NEVER. Apple has NEVER released an update that worked out of the box in THREE FREAKING YEARS! How fucking incompetent do you need to be to work at Apple? Why does iTunes delete my playlists? Why does it refuse to sync the playlists with the iPod? Why have my "Commute", "Cycling", "News podcasts" and "Onion" playlists disappeared from the iPod? Why all the playlists i create on iTunes aren't transferred to the iPod anymore although I haven't changed ANY OF THE FUCKING SETTINGS? What default have you changed this time? How much time shall I have to waste this time to force something as trivial as an MP3 player to work again?
I swear to whatever deity is listening, I'd rather be buggered by a herd of Cape buffaloes than buy ANYTHING from Apple again. Fuck Jobs. I hope next time he needs a transplant he receives one Apple-style and they replace his liver with a testicle because it's more stylish and marketing approves.
Yours somewhat disgruntedly
Eugenio Mastroviti